Instead of embedding a GitHub Gist (a pastie like service on steroids) by copying and pasting HTML you can simple embed it with a [gist] shortcode.
For example, to embed the gist: 30948 enter this in a post or page:
[gist id=30948]
It is that simple.
One problem with gists is that a search engine spiders (and users with javascript disabled) will not see your code in a blog entry. This plugin allows you to get around this by including text, such as content of the gist inside the shortcode. The text is wrapped inside these tags:
<noscript><code class="gist"><pre>
You would use it like this:
[gist id=30948]
puts hello_world_test;
i = 0
5.times do
i = i + 1
puts i
The content inside a gist shortcode is optional.
View the CHANGELOG to see what has changed between versions.
1) Download the plugin zip file.
2) Unzip.
3) Upload the github_gist_shortcode directory to your wordpress plugin directory (/wp-content/plugins).
4) Activate the plugin.
5) Use the gist shortcode in your posts or pages
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Contributors & Developers
“GitHub Gist Shortcode Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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