Plugin Tag፥ advanced-custom-field
ACF Flexible Content Modal
(7 total ratings)Make ACF Flexible Content editing the content of each layout using a Modal window.
ACF: Google Map Extended
(6 total ratings)ACF field. Saves map center, zoom level. Disables map zooming on scroll. Shows location coordinates. Bonus for programmers.
Advanced Custom Fields: Number Slider
(6 total ratings)Number Slider field for Advanced Custom Fields
Frontend Editor ACF
(2 total ratings)The frontend editor for Advanced Custom Field. I helps you to quickly edit post custom fields (created using Advanced Custom Fields) from the frontend …
Blocks for ACF Fields
(1 total ratings)Seamlessly integrates Advanced Custom Fields into the WordPress block editor, display custom fields effortlessly without any coding.
Advanced Custom Fields: Multiple Coordinates
(4 total ratings)This is an add-on to ACF that adds a field to select multiple Google Map points in a post.
Forms actions
(0 total ratings)Forms actions – plugin to realize form actions like send email, create post, pool requests. Now work only with ACF forms (in feauture with Ninja Forms …
ACF Post Types TMC
(0 total ratings)Select field for choosing a WordPress Post Types for a radio populated with post types. Add-on for Advanced Custom Fields.