Plugin Tag፥ buddypress
BuddyPress Portfolio
(3 total ratings)This Buddypress plugin allows each user to create his portfolio on your website.
Personalized Activity for Buddypress – Friends, Following, Admin
(0 total ratings)Makes Buddypress Activity Personalized For Users, by Including Activity Feeds Only From Users They Are Friends With, Users They Are Following And Administrator of Your Community.
Activity Feed Anywhere
(0 total ratings)Activity Feed Anywhere adds a custom BuddyPress activity post box and/or feed on any page.
WP Uploaders Only
(0 total ratings)This plugin fixes the bug of allowing users to access and delete other users uploaded content.
BuddyPress Last Comments Widget
(0 total ratings)Shows a list of most recently added BP activity comments.
Forum Redirect
(0 total ratings)Allows you to override the default behavior of bbPress forums, linking them to an external site.
BuddyPress Members Only
(0 total ratings)BuddyPress Members Only restricts Your Buddypress and Wordpress to logged in/registered members.
LH Dequeue Buddypress
(0 total ratings)Dequeue the scripts and styles that buddypress adds for non logged in users.
BP Delegated XProfile
(0 total ratings)Enables delegating a user's Extended Profile for editing by other users.
LH Event Tickets RSVPs
(0 total ratings)Improves the display of Modern Trtibes Event Tickets RSVP's, dramatically
Codeies – Elite user Ratings
(0 total ratings)Elite User ratings allows your visitors to submit user reviews with a 1-5 star rating on your website